Preparing Microelectronics for Hi-Rel Applications

Realize the Leading Advantages & Best Practices in
Preparing Microelectronics for High-Reliability Applications

On-Demand Webinar Recording

Commercial new space programs are increasing demand for high-reliability microelectronics, but national security concerns can limit access to U.S. based advanced semiconductor process nodes. Those attending will learn how to navigate these uncertain times through innovative microelectronics design, packaging, testing, and qualification. They will learn the latest options and best practices for cost-optimized hi-reliability microelectronics for demanding program requirements.

A high percentage of electronics bound for space or other high-reliability applications do not have Designed-for-Test (DFT) or Designed-for-Manufacture (DFM) availability, and as such would require a qualification test plan to be created to ensure the expected or extended program mission life desired, is achieved. It is more critical than ever for engineers to understand all the available high-reliability options for high-reliability programs. Potential solutions range from new application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) development, to upscreening and plastic-encapsulated module (PEM) qualification of existing devices. This seminar will help engineers, program managers, and subcontractors better understand high-reliability device requirements of MIL-PRF-38535, -38534, and other qualifications and requirements, to best define the appropriate testing and qualification plan needed to meet the program’s expected mission life and budget.

Topics Will Cover Requirements For:
  • Electrical testing compliance over voltage and temperature, lead-time, costs, coverage and impacts to reliability
  • Component complexity, test compliance, test time, junction or case temperature, reliability concerns sourcing large mix low volume BOMs,
  • Detecting defects at wafer probe, burn-in, electrical test, package assembly, and environmental testing that affect reliability
  • Other design and testing requirements for hi-rel microelectronics.

Recorded: November 30th, 2023

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